Our Partners
The Lamp works with community members, partner organizations, the Haitian health system and the Haitian government to provide ever better medical and community services.
Within the Community
Partnerships with local schools, churches, associations, local government, and community leaders are key to understanding local strengths and local conditions. The Lamp seeks to be a responsible community institution, not simply a treatment center, and so we prioritize these internal linkages. Building links within the community is also vital to our security, since community support is the factor that keeps threats from local gangs at bay. Our health education, community health worker, and sanitation programs extend throughout the neighborhood.
Haitian and International Organizations
The Lamp collaborates actively with the Haitian government and other Haitian and international service organizations that are engaged in similar work. Partnerships help to reduce duplication of services and open the Lamp to the myriad ideas, programs, resources, energy, and people that can be found in like-minded organizations.

Sakala is a community-based organization located in a neighboring section of Cite Soleil. It is a youth focused organization, providing organized sports and tutoring programs. It also operates a huge community garden program, growing valuable products and encouraging neighborhood residents to do the same. The Lamp has a close working relationship with Sakala, and provides mobile clinics there on a regular basis. For many months in 2015-16, the Lamp provided all of its services from Sakala, when the security situation in our own neighborhood was untenable.

Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population
Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP): The Lamp acts in accordance with the prescriptions of the Haitian Ministry of Health and collaborates on any public health initiatives that impact Cité Soleil. Most recently, MSPP launched an excellent Community Health Worker program for the municipality of Cité Soleil which the Lamp has been very pleased to complement.

St. Luke Foundation recently opened a new hospital in Port-au-Prince and also operates a clinic, similar to the Lamp’s, in another location in Cité Soleil. The Lamp refers many patients to St. Luke’s Hospital for higher level care. St. Luke’s was instrumental in assisting the Lamp to set up its x-ray unit, including the training of our x-ray technician, and is a key partner in many other ways.

Direct Relief is a nonprofit that provides large quantities of medicine and medical supplies to medical agencies around the world. In 2016 the Lamp for Haiti became a “preferred partner” of Direct Relief. This has had a great impact on Lamp’s ability to provide an expanded list of medicine for our patients, and at a much lower cost. Direct Relief not only donates a large range of medicine, but also transports these medicines to Haiti, paying the applicable customs duties.

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) assists medical organizations around the world. CMMB has donated substantial quantities of medicine and medical supplies to the Lamp. CMMB has a close working relationship with the Government of Haiti, and has been able to advise the Lamp in many ways because of this. CMMB has recently built a hospital on the south coast of the country and this is sure to increase the practical interaction between the two agencies.

AmeriCares – AmeriCares is an international organization that has provided substantial material assistance (donations of medicines) to the Lamp from both its US headquarters and from its office in Haiti. The Haiti office has also assisted Lamp with other donations including office furniture. For several years, AmeriCares sponsored a minor surgery program, through which the Lamp was able to offer invaluable surgery procedures to residents of Cité Soleil at one of Haiti’s better hospitals.

Fondation L’Athletique D’Haiti is a large recreational program in Cité Soleil, focusing on organized soccer leagues for youth. It also provides meals and educational services for the youth. Director Boby Duval is a well-known figure in Haiti, and an active supporter of the Lamp’s programs.

Haiti Solidarity Network of the Northeast is an advocacy group based in Jersey City, NJ. The network seeks to inform the public about Haiti, supports parishes and projects in Haiti (including those of the Lamp) and advocates for Haitian self-determination in the political sphere. Since the core supporters of both HSNNE and the Lamp are to be found in New Jersey, the two organizations are mutually supportive.

EDEYO operates a free elementary school in a low income area of Port-au-Prince called Bel Air. The Lamp assists with health exams for the students. The organization is in the process of establishing a permanent clinic at the school, supported by the physicians at the Lamp Health Center.

Midwives for Haiti provide high quality training for midwives as well as maternity services in the Central Plateau of Haiti. Two of the Lamp’s nurses have been graduates of the Midwives 12 month midwife course, including our current women’s clinic nurse, Ms Saint-Fleur. The organization is a great resource for all things connected with maternal care.

Children’s Hope is a small California nonprofit with a special interest in Haiti. Director Leisa Faulkner regularly brings her students from the University of the Pacific to visit the Lamp and contribute volunteer time. Each year, Children’s Hope raises funds for the Lamp, using the funds to buy and transport medicine requested by the Lamp.