Blog Archive

Lamp Providing Full Service!

May 15, 2024 We have delayed this update in the hopes that the ever-impending re-opening of our health center would in fact take place.  And it has!  We have now been open, providing full services at our Haiti Communitere site since Monday.  Our services are desperately needed and it is a great relief to break
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Painting of boats

Lamp for Haiti update April 11, 2024

This is the fifth in a series of updates from Lamp for Haiti on the current crisis in Haiti and how it is affecting Lamp and the people we serve. To view earlier updates, please go to our web site – – and scroll down to the Blog. Here’s hoping that the crisis will be
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Metal art - Sun

Update #4  April 3, 2024

Dear Reader! Life in Port-au-Prince remains precarious.  Gangs continue to control much of the city.  But political activity is beginning to occur.  CARICOM (Caribbean Community) is a grouping of 20 Caribbean nations that have taken the lead in enabling a 9-member “transitional governing council” – composed of Haitian political leaders, as well as private sector,
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Painting of birds in a tree

March 27 Update

Dear Reader, This is the third in a series of updates from Lamp for Haiti. The situation remains tense in Port-au-Prince.  A partner in a major hospital in the capital wrote yesterday that each week is worse than the last.  Schools and most institutions, including many banks, are closed.  Everyone, including our staff, is hunkered
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Leaves from painting

March 20, 2024

Dear Lamp supporters, This is the second in a series of updates on the crisis in Haiti. Unfortunately, the security situation in Port-au-Prince continues to deteriorate.  Gang activities have greatly increased in the wealthier area of the city, known as Petionville.  There is a strong police presence at the international airport but gangs have not
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Haiti Crisis – Update 3-13-2024

Dear Lamp supporters, It is clear that Haiti is in serious crisis.  Current media reports on Haiti are frightening and bewildering.  Many of you have asked how Lamp is faring in the midst of this upheaval.  As supporters of Lamp’s mission to provide care for the vulnerable, you have shown your concern, in a very
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Women’s Day and Update – March 8, 2024

Dear friends-   You have no doubt heard the news coming out of Haiti in this past week about the greatly heightened level of insecurity especially in and around the capital of Port-au-Prince.   Airports are closed, the main shipping port is closed, and the country is in a state of emergency for another month. The Haitian Prime Minister,
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Triage area at Haiti Communitere

Blog: Dr. Jim Morgan, Port-au-Prince, January 23, 2024

It was another proud day for our Lamp community.   Yesterday I worked with our medical staff in Port-au-Prince at our newly refurbished, freshly painted, ancillary health center in a zone just outside Cité Soleil, an area called Klèsin (CLARE-seen).   On our way to clinic, the normally ebullient and cheerful commute with our Lamp
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Dear Friends – I’m writing our Annual Spring Appeal letter from Port au Prince, Haiti, a place of 3 million people, most of whom are quite poor by any international standard.  In Cité Soleil, where Lamp for Haiti has its health center, a sprawling and dangerous ghetto, absent reliable clean water or electricity, the situation
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As we move through this year, we continue to explore the layers of Lamp for Haiti’s tagline: Healthcare, Partnership, Community.  For me, Community is really what it’s all about. Our tagline is not just a series of three nouns, catchy terms akin to Xerox’s “work can work better”, or Guinness Beer’s “Guinness is good for
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St Luke logo and pediatric hospital


This year, we continue to reflect on the importance of Lamp for Haiti’s tagline: Healthcare, Partnership, Community. Last month we offered a perspective on Lamp’s delivery of Healthcare, viewed through the lens of Martin Luther King’s lasting impact on our world. One striking lesson the pandemic has taught us is that going it alone leads to
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Vaccination clinic in Cite Soleil

Reflecting on Martin Luther King Day

Health, Partnership and Community A Message from Dr. James Morgan It seems appropriate to send this first message of the year on this January day, a day that we mark the birth of surely one of the world’s most influential figures of the past century, Martin Luther King, Jr.. King didn’t start wars, or invent any new technology.
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Lamp mobile clinic during

December 20, 2022 — Haiti Update

2022 was a difficult year in Haiti.  The government was unable to restrain the activities and conflicts of various gangs so that security issues became paramount for ordinary citizens, especially in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, where the Lamp Health Center is located.  In September, gang control of the fuel supply, and their decision to
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October 20, 2022 – Haiti Update

The situation in Haiti has become very grave.  For approximately three weeks now there has been a complete lack of fuel available due to the fact that a powerful gang controls the main fuel terminal at the docks in Port-au-Prince.  This follows a year and a half of fuel shortages, so that any stockpiles have
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School Sponsorship Program

The 2021-2022 school year has come and gone. Across Haiti, kids celebrate their achievements and look forward to next year. For most, school is a blessing – a safe place where order reigns, where efforts are rewarded. Parents are ever-eager to have their children attend – these school-going children are the hope of the family,
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Reflection From Dr. Morgan On The Passing of Dr. Paul Farmer

Paul Farmer has died.  And while I certainly was not close to him — we met personally just a few times — his death feels extraordinarily reminiscent to me of that of John Lewis.  I felt personally inspired by their public lives.  Both men changed the trajectory of history, literally.  Lewis did so by standing
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Earthquake Update

September 15, 2021 The magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck southern Haiti on August 14 claimed approximately 2,200 lives.  It is now estimated that more than 135,000 homes were seriously damaged or destroyed.  Some 200,000 people lost access to safe drinking water, as wells collapsed and water sources were contaminated. The area was already experiencing substantial
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Weaver Birds in Haiti

Jim Morgan, April 14, 2021 My Sunday flight to Haiti was canceled due to tornadoes in Florida, near where I was to make a connection. My luggage has been lost by the airline. My phone wouldn’t work, and internet is spotty. I couldn’t find potable water last night.  But today is a new day. This
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Reflection from Dr. Morgan on the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti

Eleven years ago today, at 4:53 pm, the earth in Haiti shook for 30 seconds. In its wake, over 200,000 people died.   Thousands  were left amputees,  hundreds of thousands  homeless.  All in the aftermath of a cataclysmic thirty seconds. Why? It seems so long ago — eleven years. World events  careen along , exhausting us.
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The Meaning of Community by James Morgan

In a recent NY Times article1, columnist David Brooks wrote about the importance of grassroots projects and strong community bonds . On reading it I immediately thought of the Lamp community, among whose members  are residents of Cite Soleil, our intrepid medical staff, as well as the many supporters like you who believe in our
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Lamp for Haiti’s COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends- I am writing to update you about Lamp’s local preparation in Haiti for the COVID-19 outbreak, now an official pandemic.  I have been in discussions with our in-country medical director, Dr Barrere Hyppolite, who in turn has been in regular contact with Ministry of Health in Haiti (MSPP). As of present, there are no confirmed
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Why Remember

Tomorrow, we mark the tenth anniversary of one of the most horrific natural disasters on the planet in the past 100 years. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake, or trembleman té, struck just outside the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince shortly before 5pm on January 12, 2010. In its wake, the earthquake led to the loss of over
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Reflections from Dr. Morgan at the Clinic

I am happy to be back “home” at Lamp, after we had canceled our three most recent trips due to street protests and insecurity. Our day started in the usual way, with our driver Anglanes arriving at my apartment with a warm smile, welcoming me back to his country. But that smile faded quickly, as
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Nine Years Later

Nine years ago today, at 4:53 pm, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. With that event, came abrupt devastation and loss of life and suffering.  Accurate counts are hard to come by, but suffice it to say many died, many became amputees, many lost a home. None of us have given up. I recall in
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Accompaniment (Part 2)

This morning, I accompanied our accompagnateurs, or Community Health Workers, Damas and Miss Salita, and together we walked around the Bwa Nef neighborhood. The role of the CHW is essentially twofold – identifying sick patients who have not been evaluated for a medical problem, as well as following up on those who are already receiving treatment. Today
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Ms Plaisirmon

A story of accompaniment

Many stories at the Lamp make reference to dire threats to health and challenging medical treatment.  This one is about something much simpler.  Ms. Plaisirmon had already had two children when she enrolled in the prenatal care program at the Lamp.  She received a battery of tests and then came regularly to the clinic for
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Hoops 2017 Toby and Jim

Making a Difference — Through Basketball

By Tobias Baer You can choose to ignore the troubles in the world or you can do something about it. In 2015, when I was eleven, I had the opportunity to meet Lamp for Haiti co-founder Dr. James Morgan, who has worked to help people in one of the poorest parts in Haiti, Cité Soleil.
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Jim in the patient waiting area

Spring message from Dr. James Morgan

— Jim is the Founder, Medical Director and and Board President of the Lamp — Dear friends, Last week, as winter was heaving one last storm on the region, I trekked into New York City to attend a cutting-edge medical conference at Columbia University.  I learned of high tech therapies that several years ago were
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Patient Survey at the Lamp Health Center

To gain an objective, patient-centered perspective on our medical services the Lamp conducted a survey of 100 patients.  We were interested in determining patient satisfaction with our Health Center, identifying strengths and weaknesses of our services and answering some specific questions on patient needs.  The survey was conducted by Dr. Isemonde Joseph, a visiting doctor
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Dieujackson on arrival

A good day at the clinic – one story

by Lamp Medical Director Barrere Hyppolite, MD This is the story about a one year old boy named Dieujackson Bernard.  His mother, Antonine, a struggling single mother to 6 children, brought him to the clinic because he was so severely sick. From the moment I saw her I was a little bit horrified to see
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We Remember

(by Jim Morgan — 1-12-2018) Nou Sonje.  We remember. Eight years ago today, an earthquake that changed so many of our lives befell Haiti. We remember that darkest of hours, as friends and family, most of whom we had never met nor would have ever known, suffered or perished in the immediate and continued aftermath.
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Haiti = Energy + Population (squared)

Anniversary of the Earthquake

On January 12, 2010 the earthquake struck that was to have such a profound impact on life in Haiti.  Haiti is a country with one major city, the capital Port-au-Prince, the home to almost all of its hospitals, universities, government buildings, and larger businesses.  The epicenter of the earthquake was near enough that Port-au-Prince was
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Alfred in his workshop

Message from Jim

Dear Friends – I have been lucky enough to have met a local resident in Cité Soleil in the past few years with whom I have become friends. Alfred lives in the Bwa Nèf section, not far from the Lamp Health Center. A few years ago while living in another part of Haiti, his wife
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Women’s Clinic is Growing!

The Women’s Health Clinic is one of the Lamp’s most valuable programs. In the past, women in this low-income community did not have an option for affordable care, so that prenatal check-ups, for example, were virtually unheard of. The majority of women also gave birth at home, in highly unhygienic conditions, due to the costs
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Completed drainage canal

Canal Project Completed

A major building project was completed this quarter, namely a 150 yard drainage canal that will drain mosquito infested standing water and reduce flooding in the neighborhood adjacent to the Lamp for Haiti Health Center.  The project will have tremendous benefits for all of the families along its path.  Even more importantly, perhaps, the canal
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Child Nutrition Program Quadruples

In Bwa Nèf, home of the Lamp Health Center, malnutrition is a serious and ever-present threat to child health and long term development.  The Lamp’s child nutrition program provides peanut-butter based therapeutic foods and other health services to severely malnourished children aged 6 months to five years old. In the past, severely malnourished children who
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Persistence, Expertise and Community Buy-In Generate Results

“Cocktails for a Cause” supports local doctor’s initiative in Haiti When Montclair native Dr. Jim Morgan had been providing medical services for a few years in Cité Soleil, an area scourged by terrible poverty in Port au Prince Haiti, he was approached by one of the local women who had been working with him since
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Path of Irma 2017

Hurricane Irma spares Haiti

It sometimes seems as though Haiti must suffer through each disaster that visits the region but in this case there is cause for celebration not sorrow. The impact of Hurricane Irma on Haiti was much less than feared. The north of Haiti experienced some violent winds but in the Port-au-Prince area, where the Lamp for
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Assessing fetal and maternal health

The Clinic Gains an Ultrasound

As reported last year, Abington Hospital near Philadelphia contributed an ultrasound unit to the Lamp. We can now report, with utmost pleasure, that the ultrasound machine has been in full use for many months. Transporting the unit to Haiti was far from an easy task. Shipping it would have incurred a tremendous customs fee, so
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The Spring Campaign is a Success!

Our Spring Campaign this year focused on the Lamp’s services for children.  Fully one third of all of our patients are six years old or less!  The women’s health clinic is also a key part of the Lamp Health Center and this means that our doctors see a lot of very young infants as well.
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The Lamp Goes to City Hall

The Lamp is always eager to work in partnership with any organization that seeks to improve conditions in Cité Soleil.  This principle certainly includes collaboration with the government, both national and local.  Our recently established Community Health Worker program, for example, takes full advantage of our collaboration with Haiti’s Ministry of Health.  Because of this
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Jim and Ellen

Message from Jim – Spring Campaign Launch!

Lamp founder Dr. James Morgan and his wife Dr. Ellen Cunningham put out the word that the Lamp’s Spring Campaign is underway. The campaign highlights the fact that 45% of patients at the Lamp’s Health Center in Cite Soleil, Haiti, are children. To learn more about the campaign, click here!
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Mobile Clinic sees 230 people in a Single Day

March 10, 2017 The Lamp for Haiti Health Center is located in a desperately poor neighborhood called Bwa Nef, a neighborhood within the enormous slum area called Cité Soleil (City of the Sun).  People of this neighborhood are extremely appreciative of the services we provide but we know that hundreds of thousands of persons, in
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Our Mission

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Giving Season

For those readers who may not know the details, The Lamp Foundation (Lamp for Haiti) operates a full service, permanent, health center in Cité Soleil, which is a huge shantytown on the edge of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  It is a primary and urgent care center which boasts an all-Haitian staff of 10, including two doctors.  All
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Abington contribution

Ultra-good news for the Women’s Clinic!

The Lamp is thrilled to announce that we have received a portable ultrasound unit, donated from Abington Hospital – Jefferson Health (just north of Philadelphia, PA).  An ultrasound unit has been at the top of our priority needs list for the women’s clinic for some time now so it is a tremendous and timely contribution
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Hurricane Matthew Aftermath

Oct. 19, 2016     Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti two weeks ago, but the damage that it caused will take years to undo. Right now, more than 175,000 people are without a home, and the UN estimates that at least 1.4 million people are in urgent need of clean water, food and medicine. The southern edge of
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New pharmacy location!

Pharmacy Expands — Organically

The Lamp “campus” in Bwa Nèf, Cité Soleil has come a long way since 2008, when we first moved to our current location.  The first Lamp clinic was established in three small residential buildings in the middle of a maze of tiny cement block and corrugated tin houses.  Now the clinic boasts a new two-room
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Photo: Miami Herald - Emergency Room at General Hospital

Long Public Hospital Strike Ends

Tremendous news arrived for all Haitians last week, and especially those of modest means.  A massive hospital strike that had gone on since March of this year was finally resolved.  Physicians, medical residents, and nurses had been on strike to protest low wages, poor working conditions, and inadequate funding for public hospitals.  The strike had
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A Shipment of Good News

To our delight, the Lamp clinic in Port-au-Prince yesterday received a large shipment of donated medicines. As a medical organization with a permanent clinic, the Lamp is eligible for medical donations of this type.  Nevertheless, the struggle to keep medicine costs down is a constant one.  The Lamp provides all of its patients with free
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Daniel Tillias in Sakala's community garden

Daniel Tillias comments on Lamp health services

Daniel Tillias is the Director of Sakala, a community organization that seeks to inspire the youth of Cité Soleil to greater and higher things.  For the first four months of this year, the Lamp provided daily health clinics at Sakala, due to political disturbances in our own part of Cité Soleil.  Here he comments on
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Toby in action!

Serious Fun!

Playing for a cause doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play hard! The weekend saw an amazing event take place.  Toby Baer, a 6th (!) grade student at St Cassian School in Montclair, NJ, decided to organize HOOPS FOR HAITI – a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in support of Lamp for Haiti.  He had learned about Lamp for
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Letter from Haiti

By Lamp founder Jim Morgan MD Dear Friends – I write this from my apartment in Port-au-Prince, following an arduous but gratifying week. As is typical I am struck by the courage and dedication of Lamp staff, as well as local residents who meet incredible adversity each day and still persevere, and make progress. In
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Difficult Times, Powerful Response

    Update from Bwa Nèf: The Lamp’s primary and urgent care clinic is located in the Bwa Nèf section of the notorious Cité Soleil slum on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince.  Even within Cité Soleil, the Bwa Nèf neighborhood is seen as a dangerous place.  Unfortunately, this notoriety is not entirely undeserved.  For the past
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Message from Jim

It has surely been another successful year for all of us involved with Lamp for Haiti.  Our continued hope is that you consider yourself as an integral part of that success. Lamp for Haiti is about addressing healthcare as a means to build community. It’s no secret that when one feels healthy, spirits are lifted,
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Supporting Lamp for Haiti’s Community Health Workers Initiative

Supporting Lamp for Haiti’s Community Health Workers Initiative Thank you for your support. Your financial and promotional contribution to this campaign will help us improve the quality of care for hundreds of residents living in Cite Soleil, Haiti. You can help our campaign by: Donating You can donate to Lamp for Haiti’s campaign by clicking
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Spring Campaign for Community Health Workers!

UPDATE on Spring Campaign: Our goal was $25,000.  The final tally was $27,185!  Thanks to all!! Community-based health services are what the Lamp is all about. This shows through in all kinds of ways, though most clearly by the fact that our clinic is located right in the middle of the community we serve –
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Thanks to All

January 30th was an inspiring evening for all of us.  Thanks to Cindy Stagoff for putting together this marvelous event — for the seventh year in a row! The concert included presentations from the four Haiti-centric organizations that will be the beneficiaries of the event: Edeyo, which operates a school in a disadvantaged neighborhood in
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Dr. Jim Morgan on TV34 Montclair

December, 2015
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A Visit to Bwa Nèf

Grace Harrison is a high school senior from Montclair, NJ, who recently visited the Lamp’s clinic.  She wrote this piece as a college entrance essay. To view the whole newsletter, click here! I stepped out of the van in Cité Soleil, Haiti. The powerful odors of pigs, dogs, goats and strewn garbage assaulted my senses. 
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Solar Powered Lamp – coming soon!

The community of Bwa Nèf, like most other neighborhoods within the larger slum of Cité Soleil, has no electrical infrastructure. Residents pool money to buy a transformer, and then attach a multitude of wires to this transformer – one for each family. The resulting power is very weak. Every so often the overworked transformer explodes
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Ready to Learn

The pictures are of a few of the school children that the Lamp sponsors, near to our clinic in Cité Soleil.  Education is not the primary focus of the Lamp but it’s hard to underestimate its value. People in Cité Soleil are well aware that education is the one sure way to give yourself, and
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Taking on the challenge of Electronic Medical Records

The Lamp for Haiti is first and foremost a community organization. Everything that we do is focused on one thing: improving lives in the community that surrounds our health center in Bwa Nèf, Cité Soleil.  Cité Soleil is a notorious slum; the needs of the community are many. One might wonder then, Are electronic medical
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Ambassadors for the Lamp

   The feature photo shows the launch of the women’s clinic and x-ray last October. It was a very significant event for the Lamp, but the reason I’m posting the photo now is to highlight that young lady in the middle of our yellow-shirted staff. She is 13 year old Lily Silverman, who visited the
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Dr Hyppolite examines a patient

The Story of Sylvia Blanc

Sometimes it can be difficult to explain the value of the Lamp’s work.  We can say, for example, that our doctors see 60 patients per day, 16,000 per year.  But the statistics don’t reveal the real lives, nor the real activities of the doctors with regards to each patient.  The following letter was written by
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A Sample of Health Statistics for Haiti

Statistics provide only a very approximate and impersonal view of the impact of ill health on well-being. Often one must die in order to even be counted! And, in many countries, one’s death may only be noticed (officially) if one dies in a health facility. The personal stories of individuals are always more informative about
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Open campus at Lamp

It has been 5 years since the quake

January 12th was the 5 year anniversary of the disastrous earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. It is a good time, then, to pause in remembrance of the hundreds of thousands of people that were killed, and the hardship that was experienced throughout the country. It is also a good time to reflect on the
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Coming January 30th 2016: The 7th Annual Concert for Haiti!

The 6th annual Concert for Haiti took place on February 7th.  It was a marvelous event with a huge range of musical styles on display, including an intense (and long!) set by Steve Forbert.    All proceeds went directly to Haiti via the educational organizations Edeyo and HELP, and of course the Lamp for Haiti (health
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Nurse Saillant weighs baby

We are all one human family!

The holiday season is a good time to remind ourselves that other members of our family are not as fortunate as we are. Spread the good cheer, and happy holidays!    
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The words mean “Bwa Nef says Thank You!”

The Second Annual Lamp reception was an inspiring, unprecedented event for the Lamp.  The beauty of Haitian art and culture was the focal point, and it brought out the best in everyone who attended.  Haiti still matters, in these hearts! The featured photo is of a piece of Haitian metalwork, made by an artist in
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Dr. Jim Morgan on WBEZ

Founder Dr. Jim Morgan on WBEZ in Chicago, October 1, 2014
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Our first X-ray — a tremendous step forward!

      Today, October 1, 2014, is a momentous day in the history of the Lamp! A great deal of truly inspiring work and generosity has combined to produce this marvelous outcome: the opening of our radiology unit.   We have benefited immensely from the support of so many individuals and partner agencies, from
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Seating area construction

A Community Institution

At one time, the Lamp was considering the construction of a whole new clinic building. The converted residences in which our clinic was located seemed less than ideal for the expanded services we wanted to offer. But financial constraints kept that idea on the sidelines. Strangely enough, the result has been something quite wonderful: an
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Children’s Hope visits the Lamp

Leisa Faulkner and Paul Burke are the leading lights of Children’s Hope, a small California non-profit with a special interest in Haiti.  One of the goals of Children’s Hope is to inspire in young Americans a lifelong passion to understand, engage with, and assist the poorest of the poor.  It is one thing to talk
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The Lamp for Haiti Health Center expands

The Lamp is very pleased to announce the completion of a new two-room addition to our mini campus in Bwa Nèf, Cité Soleil.  It is a great step forward in more ways than one.  To begin with, the building has tremendous symbolic value — it represents our whole-hearted commitment to this community in a way
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By Dr James Morgan, Founder This fundamental concept is a key to successful family life, work, friendships, community.  In a very real sense, relationships embody dialogue.  Of course any meaningful conversation requires active listening. Paying attention to body language, as well as verbiage. (As I write this I rejoice in my own children’s exodus from
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Chikungunya outbreak

[Photo: In the rainy season, standing water is everywhere.  Mosquito control is very difficult.] Haiti, and at least 16 other Caribbean countries have been hit with a mosquito borne virus with the odd name of chikungunya.  It appeared first on the island of St Martin in December.   At this point suspected cases of the illness
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Why Support the Lamp?

By Richard Evans, board member On a global basis, hundreds of organizations work to bring health care to millions of persons living in under-served communities; and, with few exceptions each of these organizations make productive use of charitable contributions. In short, there is no lack of good options for giving.  When so many communities and
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Homegrown eXpertise

One of the key principles of the Lamp is to build our organization — and the wider Haitian health system — by hiring and developing talented and committed Haitian professionals. The unemployment rate in Haiti is murderously high, estimated at 41% for 2013.  Of persons who are employed, only one third have formal jobs.  Underemployment 
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Dr. Sévere joins the Lamp

Several years ago, the Lamp realized that there was a large gap in locally available health services, namely that of services for women.  We therefore organized a women’s clinic, trained one of our nurses in midwifery and have provided specialized services, two days per week, since then.  Now, however, we are moving to expand and
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Lamp at Midwives for Haiti conference

[Picture: Midwives for Haiti graduate Flaure Alcius presents the Lamp’s women’s health program; Dr Hyppolite in foreground] By In-Country Medical Director Barrère Hyppolite MD The recent Midwives for Haiti conference was a great opportunity to build relationships with other NGOs, and especially Midwives for Haiti, who work in this field of maternity care.  It has
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Electronic Medical Records: Tech Success!

Feature Photo: Dr Jim Morgan (Lamp co-founder) and Dr Barrère Hyppolite work together on the new OpenMRS system Below: Staff training on the new system (Nick Sahagian on the far right);  Nurse Astrude uses the new system in the pharmacy Low tech or high tech, the point is to provide the best medical care and
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Young Minds at Work

The Lamp is, first and foremost, a health organization.  Our health center in Bwa Nèf, Cité Soleil is the heart of our program.  But we are also a part of a community, a community in which there is a burning hope to do better in all aspects of life.  One obvious evidence of this hope
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Emeline and poster

Thanks to all!

Fifth Annual Concert for Haiti On Saturday, January 25th the Montclair community once again came together for an evening of music, community-building, and support for Haiti at the Fifth Annual Concert for Haiti. The concert featured the marvelous Emeline Michel as headliner (the “Joni Mitchell of Haiti”) along with Montclair High School’s Passing Notes, Big Mamou
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LAMP: a symbol of life for the people of Cité Soleil

By Barrère Hyppolite, In-Country Medical Director for the Lamp   Probably If I tell you that some people come as early as 1:00 a.m. to have the chance to be consulted by a doctor in our clinic you will doubt me.  But personally we know, the Haitian local staff with  the members of the board
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Global Handwashing Day

October 15, each year, is Global Handwashing Day.  Research shows that the simple action of washing hands with soap on a habitual basis can reduce childhood rates of mortality from acute respiratory and diarrheal diseases by almost 50 per cent.  Accordingly, the Lamp took this opportunity to stage our own event in support of this
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Musical Fundraiser in Montclair, NJ

On September 28, the Lamp held a musical fundraiser at InsaniTea, 570 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, NJ.  It was a terrific event which raised $4,500 for the Lamp.  Thanks to everyone that attended!  Performances included The Porchistas (“folk, hippy, rock”), Terry McCarthy (“alternative singer songwriter”), The Catbirds (“acoustic, honky-tonk”), The Passing Notes (an amazing acapella group
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All-Local Construction

Construction of two new exam rooms next to the clinic in Cite Soleil continues! As a part of our commitment to the community we are always looking to provide as many jobs as possible to local residents.  We are proud to note, therefore, that our current construction is being completed entirely with local labor, both
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Construction has begun!

A central principle of the Lamp, from our earliest days, has been to integrate our services into the life of the community we serve.  A second principle, even more fundamental, has been to target our efforts to the most impoverished and neglected populations of which we are aware.  The direct result of these principles was
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Walk-through of the health center

This video is a July 2013 walk-through of the clinic in Bwa Nef, Cite Soleil.  The video gives a first-hand — although necessarily superficial — view of our day-to-day work in Bwa Nef.  It also captures the conditions under which our staff are currently working.  In fact, this video will function as a kind of
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A Very Successful Mobile Clinic at Twa Bebe (“Three Babies”)

  The Lamp’s clinic in the neighborhood of Bwa Nèf is open to all, but we are well aware that people in Cité Soleil are hesitant to enter a neighborhood other than their own.   We are very happy to announce, then, a very successful collaboration with an agency called Sakala.  Sakala runs a youth empowerment
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Identifying malnutrition in Bwa Nef

Last week, Dr Hyppolite, Nurse Georges and Nurse Alcius visited an exemplary school in Cité Soleil.  It is called the Institution Mixte Union des Apôtres — a free school funded by an agency called Prodev.  The school had requested the visit to make sure that none of the students were suffering from malnutrition.  In the
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Children’s Nutrition Program Re-launched at the Lamp

Three years ago the Lamp launched a program for malnourished children called Medika Mamba.  The reason for the program was simple.  Children would come to the clinic in very poor health, but it was evident to the doctors that what they needed most of all was not medication but nutrition.  There happened to be an
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Daniel Tillias receives HSNNE award

On April 6, an awards ceremony was held that had very special significance for the Lamp.  Daniel Tillias received the Human Rights Award from the Haiti Solidarity Network of the North East at their annual dinner and dance. Daniel is an active and committed member of the Lamp’s board of directors.  He is also the
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New Cardiology Capability at the Lamp

Last week the Lamp for Haiti Health Center received a welcome addition.  A very portable and very user-friendly EKG machine.  After training, Medical Director Dr. Barrère Hyppolite put it to immediate good use, using it eight times on the day of its arrival. The Lamp clinic in Bwa Nèf is a primary health care center,
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Conversation with Sandra Stanic

In 2011, the Lamp installed a Sunspring water purification system at Cardinal Stephinac’s Children’s Center, an orphanage on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince that provides a home for around 50 children.  The orphanage is a project of Croatian Relief Services, a charity based in New Jersey.  Here, Dr Morgan talks with Sandra Stanic, the director of
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Jim’s article published in Newark’s Star-Ledger

A version of Jim’s article “Why Haiti (still) Matters” was published in the Newark area Star-Ledger, January 27 issue.   Jim Morgan (below) is the co-founder of the Lamp for Haiti.  January 12th was the third anniversary of the Haiti earthquake.  The media has highlighted the slow and uneven use of international aid dollars since then, but
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Why Haiti (still) Matters

The three year anniversary of the Haitian earthquake is upon us, and Haiti still matters. The following “letter to the editor” is a response to an article which appeared in the New York Times on January 24th.  The NYT article was critical about the impact of recent international aid to Haiti. [The photo, by the
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Thanks to You

It has been a difficult year for so many of you, our supporters, and we can’t thank you enough for keeping Haiti in your thoughts. Sadly enough this will be another harsh year for most Haitians.  A combination of drought in many areas and the three major storms that hit Haiti this year have combined
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The State of the Lamp 2012

By James Morgan MD (from the Fall newsletter) For most of my adult life, a common refrain that I have heard is “we are living in difficult times”.  I suspect that throughout the ages, there has been a tendency to say that the current epoch is more difficult than the ones preceding it.  And yet
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School kits start the year off right.

    Something that is very striking in Haiti is the hunger for education.  When school ends for the day, the streets of the capital are filled with kids in their colorful uniforms.  Education is rightly seen as a way to a better future, but parents struggle to pay the basic costs.  The Lamp supports
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Ensley Jerome, the young man pictured here, was our first clinic patient to take advantage of our collaboration with the AmeriCares surgery program in Port-au-Prince.  The Canapé Vert hospital is a long way from Cité Soleil but his mom was there to keep him comfortable and in the end he was a model patient.  The
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    Hurricane Isaac over Haiti  (NASA image) Hurricane Isaac arrived in Port-au-Prince late at night on Friday, August 25th.  I was as safe as could be, on the bottom floor of a two storey cement house but others were much more vulnerable.  I had never been in a hurricane before: the sound of the wind
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An Amazing Program is Launched — A Vehicle is Needed!

The Lamp is very pleased to announce that it has been accepted as a partner in an excellent new program by the large US nonprofit AmeriCares.  It is a surgery and pediatric treatment program.  A medical unit has been set up in a downtown Port-au-Prince hospital, and will provide minor surgery and treatment to clients
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Training for Women’s Health — by Moza-Flaure Alcius

Training for Women’s Health: A New Experience Moza-Flaure Alcius (in the turquoise scrubs) Lamp for Haiti nurse [This is an article from our latest newsletter.  Find all the newsletters under the News tab] I worked for two years at the clinic in Bwa Nèf, Cité Soleil.  In addition to my normal nursing duties I  was
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Thank you for your confidence and kindness!

On behalf of those whom we work with and for, a resounding Thank you! for your generosity in material, finances and spirit.  We are making a difference. Since the earthquake of January 2010, we have refocused our mission to prioritize that which provides direct patient care, and related services. In short we want to keep
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Tension in Cité Soleil — the Lamp shines on

I’ve just come back from two weeks at the clinic in Haiti and the topic on the top of my thoughts is security. The Lamp’s work goes on as always, the staff are ever-more impressive, the quality of care always improving, but there is little doubt that life and work in Bwa Nèf is becoming
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The people of Cité Soleil remain in desperate need of your support and solidarity. Here are some things you can do to help:   Donate by mail: Lamp for Haiti P.O. Box 39703 Philadelphia, PA 19106 (267) 295-2822  Donate online via PayPal or major credit card:  Give a gift from our wish list:  Your gift
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Donate Materials

Currently the material goods we are most in need of are: Closed-Toe Shoes in childrens’ sizes (e.g. Crocs, Keens or similar):  Closed-toe rubber-soled shoes that are appropriate for hot weather, e.g. Crocs or Keens, are of great use.  The ground in Cite Soleil is extremely hazardous and most children do not have footwear.  We ask
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Host a Fundraiser

Hosting a fundraiser is a terrific way to make more people aware of the Lamp’s work in Cité Soleil.  It’s a great way to get people thinking about those who are less fortunate than us and a great way to help people contribute in a meaningful way.   It’s hard not to feel good about
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February 28, 2012 – A Place of Respect in the Community

If you have ever known someone with true bipolar disease, formerly known as manic depressive disorder, you know that it can be painful. When I was in medical school I lived downstairs from Don. He had a severe case of the disorder. Don was usually in pretty good shape, but occasionally when he felt himself
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One of the ways in which the Lamp for Haiti reduces illness and improves quality of life is by providing access to drinking water. In Haiti, the public water supply, even where available, is not potable. Water borne diseases are rampant within Cité Soleil, as in most areas of Haiti. The possibility of a fresh
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New Faces at the Lamp

The Lamp is thrilled to introduce our two newest staff members. Thanks to many excellent recommendations from our partners in Haiti we have been able to find two people who represent a perfect combination of professional skill and genuine compassion. We hope and assume that they will be with us for many years to come!
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HOLIDAY GIFT IDEA! The satisfaction of a deed well done

To give a loved one a gift that matters, make a donation to the Lamp for Haiti on their behalf! How it works: Send us an email message at with: — the name and address of the person that will receive the gift — your name (the name of the giver)or tell us to
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A Marvelous Day in Montclair — Same Time Next Year?

The October 1 fundraiser at Van Vleck Gardens in Montclair, NJ, was a day-long musical marvel. The Van Vleck house and gardens were a stunning but intimate setting. The music was charming, intense, impressive, touching, unique, and beautiful. The atmosphere was so positive that thoughts immediately turned to the possibility of making this an annual
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A Day of Music, Dancing, Storytelling, and Community: Oct.1 in Montclair NJ!

Press release: Don’t miss “Chante for Haiti” on October 1st, a fundraiser for the Lamp for Haiti. A day of great music, dancing, story telling and community, in support of an incredible organization! We are happy to announce the following acts that will be performing: Story-teller Julie Pasqual, Terry McCarthy, The Matt McDonald Group, Deivito
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The Ironman Fundraiser Crosses the Finish Line in Style

John Thornton, Patrick O’Neill (above) and Andrew Fried were among 2,400 racers participating in Ironman Lake Placid on July 24th, 2011. Skies were clear and temperatures in the mid-70s – ideal race conditions. Race day followed months of training and a successful fundraising campaign. The Team raised just over $14,000 for the Lamp to help
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April 27, 2011 – “Can you work tonight?” (Jim’s blog)

The day started like a typical Haitian Sunday… relaxed. I had made plans the day before with Junior to catch a ride to St Damien’s hospital in Tabarre. Fr Rick lives there and I wanted to meet up with him and to go to Mass. He’s been a great mentor and friend for me in
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Lake Placid Ironman Fundraiser Kicks Off!

April 8th marked the date of the launch dinner in Montclair, NJ, for the Team 140.6 Haiti Lake Placid Challenge. It was a very successful event… with a house full of supporters … and RBC Capital Markets making an immediate contribution of $5,000 to the cause! The fundraising effort is tied to the Lake Placid
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February 2010 – Thank you for Generosity and Kindness

Dear family and friends of the The LAMP for Haiti- Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have heard this so many times from people whom we have helped this week and you need to hear it, because it is through your generosity and kindness that we have all become a part of Haiti in
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