2024 Summit Avenue Concert!

Join us on Saturday May 18th, 2024 for an afternoon of music!

A previous Summit Ave concert

A Fundraising Concert to Benefit Lamp for Haiti

Saturday, May 18, 2024  2PM to 6PM

Help us continue this Summit Avenue tradition that started in 2013!

Hosted by the Shapiro family

96 Summit Ave, Monclair, NJ

For more information, and to RSVP, please contact Rebecca at rebeccagshapiro@gmail.com

Lamp for Haiti operates a full service primary and urgent care center in the heart of the Cité Soleil shantytown, on the edge of Port-au-Prince. Lamp‘s strength is its close connection to the community and its dedication to the poorest of the poor. Lamp is needed more than ever in this fraught period in Haiti’s history. Your support is very much appreciated!

Wish Board Items

To help Lamp for Haiti’s mission, the Concert will include an “auction” of the following items! If you cannot attend, or just want to make a donation now, please click on the appropriate button. For a general donation, click on the large Donate button at the bottom of the page. Thank You!!

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    Your gift of $25 will provide cough syrup to 50 patients!


    Your gift of $40 will provide prenatal vitamins, supplements, and a hygiene kit for one pregnant woman. Give her and her child the power of health!

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    Your gift of $85 will provide a malnourished child with a full two-month treatment, including therapeutic food and treatment of related health conditions!

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    Your gift of $125 will provide anti-malarial, anti-parasitic, and anti-protozoal medicine for 25 patients!


    Your gift of $250 will provide full health services for 3 pregnant women, including all lab tests (9 to start with), examinations, ultrasound, prenatal vitamins, and treatment of existing conditions!


    Your gift of $450 will sponsor a child for one year in school. Help a family to rise up from poverty! (And please do think about extending this support for three years!)

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    Your gift of $500 will provide full treatment for 20 patients, including examinations, lab work, medicine, health education and specialized services as necessary. (X-ray, EKG, ultrasound, ventilators, and so on.)

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    Your gift of $1,500 will provide all pediatric medicine for the Lamp Health Center for one month. You will be providing health and well-being to a great many young people and their families. Our Pediatric staff thank you for your special support!